Why Some Corporate Videos Succeed but Others Don't

As the era of video dawns in, reading is slowly being driven out. In the world where our eyes are often glued onto the screen of our devices, we find ourselves engaging more on video content than the stuffy and lengthy articles. And with the onset of the social media world, we often find ourselves emerged in it, wallowing through the jammed packed short videos of every subject matter available out there. From cute family videos to humorous stories, daily happenings to news and events, the internet never runs out with these entertaining video contents.

So how do we make our corporate videos thrive amongst all these exceedingly engaging and exciting videos? Let’s be honest, corporate videos are never known for their interesting content. Rather, they are viewed as boring and dry, and often find hard to drive viewers. But lose heart not, for there are many corporate videos out there which have stood out amongst all these contents. Of course, a fair amount of corporate videos failed to engage much with their target audience, but yours can!

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Consider some of the best corporate videos available on the internet. Why do you think they have such impeccable records of engagement with their audiences? Why are they so successful in creating brand awareness and increasing the rate of investment?  Well, they followed these simple but powerful rules in making their corporate videos.

1. Clear image quality works

First, let’s talk about the quality of the video. What do you do when the image quality of the video you are watching is low? You just skip, don’t you? Yes, the effectiveness of a corporate video depends greatly on the image quality. But now with a plethora of DSLR cameras available in the market, you can sit back and have your snacks. Don’t have a professional camera? Hire a 4K professional camera for a crystal clear image quality.

2. Make it short

A crispy, short and creative content is all that you need to make your video work magical. For a corporate video, make it under 3 minutes to be more effective, though this depends on the type of your target audience. People tend to lose concentration and interest if the video is long. So remember to keep your video as short as possible. You don’t want your audiences to skip your video when it pops up on their screens. Also remember, people don’t want to listen to your history lessons!

3. Make a creative story content

Do you know why videos work? A video acts as the only medium which can incorporate both the visual and audio content. Weave your story idea, then blend it with soothing words, motion graphics, and amazing creative shots for a delightful narration. Who says corporate videos can’t be interesting? Add a heart striking music to your already dynamic shots, and it will go ‘BOOM’. Be so creative that viewers don’t want your video to end!

4. Make your message very clear

In whatever form your story ideas may be, make sure your message is clear. Tell your target audience succinctly about the brand. This is how you build your brand awareness and reputation. Then add a call to action at the end of your video which inspires them to invest in your products. 

5. Back up to it

And back it up! Always back up to what you said. No matter how good and effective your video is, you would lose trust and reputation if your actual product or service is not what they expected. Remember, a reputation once lost is hard to gain.

6. Make use of social media

The reason for making a corporate video is to boost your brand awareness, among other things, isn’t it? If so, post the links of the video or the content itself on the various social media platforms. If you are not getting the desired engagement level with your viewers, then think again about your marketing strategy.

7. Incorporate social responsibility in your video

From as many as there are themes for corporate video production, one that you can incorporate is social responsibility which can greatly enhance reputation and brand awareness. Build your video on themes based on social responsibility and hope. 

8. Your video needs an emotional touch

Do you want to make your video go viral? Commercial videos often use humour to draw viewers’ attention, and they have done pretty well. You can, likewise, use humour in building your story, though this depends on the type of your intending target audience. Advertising harness on emotions and commercial videos use pain to galvanize audiences.

9. Be out of the box

Corporate videos need not be too professional in the sense that it is stiff, monotonous and boring. Just be a little more creative. There are no fix ways to make corporate video production. And avoid the many jargons and clichés in your scripts. A super creative video with a unique theme and catchy music will go a long way in making it viral and trendy.

10. Be specific about your audience

Yes, be very specific. Building your story, presenting your message and the type of content for the video totally depends on your intending target audience. This necessitates a specific target audience depending on which the nature of the video can be decided. Being very clear about your target audience really helps for delivering the right message for the intended audience.

If you think you want a more professional corporate video, simply dial up to some corporate video production companies who can give a professional touch to your video. Your video would be more refined, dynamic and effective in conveying your message. And by the way, if you are looking for corporate video production companies, TheVisual House is one such which makes inspiring corporate videos that drive results for businesses and brands.

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