The Rise of Video Marketing on Social Media and How It Affects Your Business

Social media has become a comprehensive platform to make an entire buffet of things available on a single platter.  It is the single largest channel that has high degree of traffic outreach amongst the masses.  Since the creation of the digital era, the world has changed a lot and become a virtual marketplace.  When Facebook was introduced to people, it became an opening door of information transfer amongst friends and families.  But as the popularity sored, other players also started being followed like Twitter and Instagram and soon these platforms became the hub of information sharing.

These social media sites have now a lot of information sharing every minute, that have become well known to public that social trends have started converting fast into wonderful data mechanics which have fathomed great response from earth.  From textual messages to videos, what not is being exchanged?  After the e-commerce boom, the social media industry has become the center point of business.  With rich content exchange and a profitable video marketing strategy, you have quite a lot to gain from the social environment.

A video marketing approach can do great guns to your sales! Whether it’s Youtube, Facebook or Twitter and some lesser known types like Snapchat, everything becomes so rewarding because a creative media attracts a lot of attention from people and is a successful sales tool.

Here are some points that make video can’t be ignored simply because of the strong magnetism social media harnesses.  Let’s study about the major attractions that have a stronghold on the social podium and how they are affecting get good business:

Facebook is the new tool to fruitful corporate gains:

While Facebook enjoys a massive user following that’s reached over 2 billion monthly active users and more, the hysteria is growing.  We have seen an incremental rise of about 14% in the user lists year by year.  This is about 1.40 billion people logging onto Facebook daily.

People are open to sharing posts which come more as videos on the Facebook page because it gives them a lot of responses.  As a company, it is very relieving to see one’s advertisement running here and being distributed to a large populace since the kind of response FB generates is mindboggling and explainer videos are part of that frenzy.

From personal to public, everybody has a story to relate to.  Facebook primarily NOT being an advertisement site is an open forum where the stern classification of ad media isn’t a separate entity.  In fact, the ads posted on a Facebook page mix up with the general category and are accepted as part of a daily life curriculum.  A good product video when started to be shared becomes an instant hit and is a Brand overnight.  Both organic traffic and paid ones can be targeted on Facebook.  You can either sponsor a brand or get public through social media optimization.  The more likes your video gains, the more ranking and greater publicity it has. 

Twitter is engaging:

A lot of political talk, economics and social tweets, Twitter is really an engaging thing to happen.  Popularity becomes somewhat reachable when you have a tweet liked by somebody famous or a celebrity.  Twitter is a very good connecting tool nowadays.  Currently, India having more than 10 million users as of day, it is undoubtedly the #1 in Twitter activities.  The fame of twitter has set business rolling with its promising ad campaigns that are easy to publish and distribute to a huge mass of people.  The result is you reach the potential buyers of your product, get good community growth and reach more followers through word of mouth publicity and social tweets.  What’s more encouraging is that you can see how your follower base is increasing overtime.

Videos play an interesting role on Twitter.  A learner video about chocolate making or anything like “how to fix your mobile” can be a great content because it involves too much curiosity and education.  Such explainer videos are self-explanatory and really very much engaging.  A sponsored ad on Twitter could be a bit costly but owing to the classification of users, we can target a unique audience and reach a high amount of population.

Instagram doing the rounds:

Paid advertisements have become the standard of business promotion apart from the organic ones.  In a survey, it was found that Instagram posts had 58 times more engagement than Facebook and the number swelled with Twitter.  It is very promising to be engaging on Instagram.  To lead your business, you can simply represent your identity by the company name and a personal logo representing you.  People tend to remember your visual identity than textual.  To generate interest amongst the viewres, you can also use a template that identifies you as a distinct brand.  People tend to keep their company’s title as their lead name also.

There are a lot of spectators amongst whom a fairly reasonable percentage is activity involved in sharing new content and viewing videos.  Here comes the catch.  Business promotion can also be substantiated by other different means of promotion.  Technically speaking, hashtags serve to promote both brand and product simultaneously.  One can also connect to different communities using hashtags on Twitter.  A business video having a distinct name followed after a hashtag becomes a very rich identity factor in its category and pulls up the content into relevant search criteria following which your video can be easily searched by anybody, liked and shared.

Others like Snapchat and Whatsapp are not far behind.  They are also rich in social user interaction and slowly gaining momentum over time.

Since Social media platforms being not ad centric, they inculcate huge brand value into a more general sense, that’s why there is a hefty amount of sellers using the social podium to fillip the launch of a new product or simply get the expansion in trade they have always been missing!

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