Growth of Video Marketing- Why your Business Needs This

Videos have existed for a long time now but they were not always a part of a company’s marketing strategies. With changing times videos have made an impactful entry into the world of marketing. From texts to images and now finally to videos, marketing for company’s products has come a long way. Video marketing now has become an indispensable part in our lives whether we are the consumers of a product or the makers of such videos. Just like an image is worth a thousand words, now days this quote has been modified to: videos of one minute video is worth a million words. With such an effective feature businesses are now turning to Video Production House in Delhi for the marketing of their products.

The Growth of Video Marketing and why your business needs it

But how did it all start and how far have Video Production Company come?

Let us get a clear idea about the growth of Video marketing with the help of Video Production Company, which has been mentioned in the following points that will motivate you to hire one:

• A study conducted in the year 2015 found that about 4 times the consumers choose to watch a product video made by Video Production Company than read about it.

• In the early 2017 it was also revealed that approximately 79% of the consumers used videos to get information about a product that were made by the best Video Production Company in Delhi than read about it in text.

• About 84% of the consumers in the past have felt more convinced to buy a product after watching the brand video for it.

• It has been recorded that about 12% of the visitors on your company’s website will watch a video if it’s available.

• How could social media be left behind? About 40%-50% video viewers on social media watch brand videos made by Video Production Company in Delhi while on such sites. And a great percentage of these viewers ended up buying products as a result.

• Insights from Google during March 2016 suggest that approximately 50% of the online users search for videos related to products before they buy it from the store, either online or directly from the market.

Another survey that was conducted in the year 2016 revealed:

- 31% of the consumers have listed videos made by Video Production Company as the most favourite form of branded content on social media sites.

- 43% of consumers have been found to interact on social media through video content.

- 46% of the video viewers have claimed that they have bought something after watching the brand videos on social media.

- 32% consumers said that they were driven to purchase a video made by Video Production Company in Delhi.

• One out of 4 shoppers that is approximately 26% claim that online videos are their main source for gift ideas and about 32% say that they will use online videos for this for their holiday purchases.

• 92% shoppers have confirmed that visuals are definitely the most influencing factor that impacts their buying decisions.

• Over two- thirds of the shoppers who usually play videos on retail sites have been known to watch till 80% completion which is a great engagement rate.

• Millennials are the new generation and a probable target for many companies therefore Video Production Company feel proud to share that 7 out 10 millennials are most likely to view a company video while shopping online.

• 4 out of 5 of the online shoppers say that videos created by Video Production Company in Delhi for how a product works are extremely important.

• When making online purchase decisions 95% of consumers have found videos made by Video Production Company to be helpful.

• YouTube is the master when it comes to videos and using videos for marketing ones products, its  data has revealed that 6 from 10 people who generally subscribe to the YouTube channels would choose to follow the advice given to them by their favourite YouTube video creator for buying a product rather than other TV or movie stars in TV commercials.

• 44% of the consumers say that they are more likely to purchase from an E- Commerce website that features about the product videos.

• 57% of the consumers suggest from past experiences that videos created by Video Production Company in Delhi make them feel more confident about the products they buy and it also reduces further chances of returning the orders placed.

• 68% have been found in a study to prefer product videos from the general public while the other 45% consumers feel more interested in the product and its video if it is coming from experts.

• Mobile is the most important part of our lives now and mobile video viewers are up to 1.2 times more likely to buy products from companies that have featured product videos created by Video Production Company on their websites.

All these statistical informational points suggest how video marketing has grown over the years and why your business definitely needs to hire the best Video Production Company in Delhi such as the Visual House. They have an energetic team of enthusiastic professionals who are dedicated and trained to provide your business the much need video which will increase your Conversion Rates and get you a great ROI on your products. Their creative and innovative ideas will help you attract more audience and keep the older consumers always interested in your products. Do not hold yourself back because videos are one of the most famous and interesting form of increasing your traffic. It is such a popular medium that 4 year old children to 80 year old adults all love watching videos, so just imagine the massive expanse of viewers you can reach. So don’t miss this chance to grow your business like Video Marketing has grown!

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