#Videos ARE Trending…!!!

A video is the combination of both the Audio and Visual mediums. This is in itself revelatory of why other mediums like pictures and sound recordings are on a downfall. 

100 million internet users watch a video every day.

The Social Media platforms have given an unprecedented boost to many companies. They are quickly turning into the much favored medium for majority of advertisers/marketers and are already bringing a change in the perception of the marketing strategies. A staggering 70% of all global consumer traffic will be video-related in 2018. For this reason, these mediums give a fancy and attractive reach to the marketers.

There was a time when making a film print was mostly inaccessible to a majority of the population since prints need a great lot of care and maintenance as well as efforts to convert. After a period of time, when film was born again in a digital form, its reach got multiplied. Presently, this technology is being utilized by everyone and anyone. It has advanced to a level where people are even into movie making with their mobile phones, though making a quality video does require an appropriate budget.

Video medium has created a vast industry where people are uploading their videos for which they are getting paid and at the same time also finding fame. Companies are doing the same for their brand’s strong promotions. The days of writing long blogs, company info, news and articles are slowly fading away and changing gears towards short, simple and most of all, engaging video content. As for text and image marketing, they are mostly used in explanatory form. They have already taken a back seat. Whereas, video provides higher engagement which will by and by lay out a better chance for your brand’s recall value.


According to the founder Arunabh Kumar, the thought behind starting TVF was to reach out to the younger generation who seldom watch television for entertainment

Big names like TVF, AIB, Scoop Whoop and many more have established themselves as the pioneers in this online digital video industry.

At its inception, TVF was launched for the young adult millennial on the idea that this generation did not indeed watch television, they started their online video channel to reach out to this audience. This was in 2012. They even promote movies through the creation and distribution of original digital content

India’s only show rated higher than Friends and House of Cards!                                                                                                    

Dr. James McQuivey of Forrester Research says the value of a 1-minute video is 1.8 million words. This is the power of video content.

Huge number of ideas can be conveyed within a short clip in comparison to write-ups and audio recordings as they take up great amounts of space. Basically, it explains everything clearly for the viewer. The average person spends 88% more time on a website featuring videos. 

In 2017, nearly 70% of all internet traffic was contributed by video content.

Now, its popularity has elevated to this extent where the format of picture has gone next level into GIFs thereby, cutting back on the problem of data consumption.

Even after reading this blog, if you don’t acknowledge the fact that video content is truly the king, then, let me tell you that currently43% of the population wants to see more video content from marketers and it is in high demand for both the makers and viewers.

For a start, here are a few quick tips on video marketing:-

•   Keep it short - videos under 2 minutes long have a higher rate of engagement.

•   Build curiosity- videos ending on a cliffhanger, drives its audience wanting more.

•   Optimize for mobile viewing - 50% of all videos are viewed on mobiles. So, creating your videos on a square screen size makes it for a better user experience.

Future of digital platforms
Future of digital platforms

05 February, 2021


05 February, 2021


02 December, 2017